Monday, 7 January 2019

How Do I Know If I Have Angina?

Angina-Chest Pain
Angina, Chest Pain
Angina or Chest Pain: this is generally felt as a heaviness or uneasiness in the centre of chest. It is usually brought out by effort and relieved by rest. Angina lasts for short periods and seldom lasts for more than 20 minutes. Nitrates (medicines taken to relax coronary arteries) have the ability to relieve angina very quickly (Almost instantaneously if kept under the tongue ie., sublingual).

Typically angina appears as chest discomfort. It may radiate to neck, jaws, left shoulder or left arm. Rarely it can present as back pain, headache or even abdominal pain.

If you suffer from repeated burning sensation in your upper abdomen and not relieved by usual medicines, a detailed check up is required. Angina presenting as stomach burn has misled even doctors to make wrong judgments.

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